Homework Policy
- Developing good study habits and effective study skills.
- Developing students as independent learners
- Incorporating ICT in homework, as a research tool and as a means for students to reflect on their learning
- Developing students’ organisational skills
- Enhancing students’ academic performance
- Developing a sense of responsibility both on the students’ and their parents’ behalf.
Roles and responsibilities
Roles and responsibilities are divided among a number of sub groups based on the partners in education here in Saint Macartan’s College.
Board of Management
- To ensure that the policy is developed and evaluated from time to time.
- To approve the policy.
- To consider reports from the Principal on the implementation of the policy.
Principal, Deputy Principal and the Year Heads
- To monitor the implementation of the policy.
Subject teacher
- To implement the policy.
- To ensure that homework given is meaningful.
- To ensure that a balanced amount of homework is given.
- To monitor the amount of homework given particularly in a student’s First Year to ensure that it is equitable.
- To inform parents via the School Journal when homework is not done and to issue appropriate sanctions, if necessary
- To provide feedback -written and / or oral, as appropriate – to students on their homework.
Class Tutors, Guidance Department and Learning Support Personnel
- To monitor the effects of the policy and to be aware of students experiencing difficulty
- To provide support and guidance especially for those experiencing difficulty.
- To provide students with appropriate support in accordance with their learning requirements
- To recognise that they are the single biggest influence in their son’s success in school.
- To be involved in and supportive of the School Homework Policy
- To provide a conducive environment in which to carry out homework.
- To oversee and ensure that their son does the assigned homework.
- To be responsible for the checking and signing of the School Journal on a weekly basis.
- To recognise the importance of homework as an integral part of learning.
- To record and carry out all homework to the required standard
- To ensure that all homework is neat and tidy.
- To take on board all feedback given by teachers.
- To be aware of homework policy as agreed in the school journal.
Monitoring Procedures
- Subject teachers monitor assigned homework.
- Class tutor checks School Journal.
- Parents check that the homework is complete and parents sign the School Journal weekly.
- The Principal oversees the implementation of the policy and provides feedback to the staff.
Review Procedures
- To be reviewed every two years.
- The review team to include Principal, Deputy Principal, Year Heads, staff members and parents. The views and experiences of teachers, students and parents to be taken into account in any review.
- A report of the review will be presented to the Board of Management, staff and Parents. Association and the Student Council.
- To be reviewed in September 2018.