Mobile Phone Policy
St. Macartan’s College recognises that mobile phones and digital devices are now an integral part of young people’s culture and way of life and can have considerable value, particularly in relation to individual safety. It is recognised that such technology will play an increasing part in future learning practices. The school also recognises the fact that mobile phones can significantly distract teaching and learning and when used in an inappropriate manner can have a detrimental impact on interpersonal relations.
The school accepts that it is a student’s right to have a mobile phone. The widespread ownership of mobile phones requires that they are used responsibly. The following policy aims to maintain a safe, nurturing environment where the personal dignity and rights of all the members of the school community are preserved. The wellbeing of all members of the school community is a key priority of the school. The school’s policy on mobile phones is therefore devised with the intention of ensuring that teaching and learning can take place without interruption and also with the intention of protecting students and staff from potential harassment or bullying.
In order to assist the school in implementing this policy, parents/guardians are asked not to contact students by mobile phone at any time during the school day. Contact with the school may be made through the office at 047 81642 and students are directed to use the office phone in emergencies. A student, who wishes to go home for any reason during the school day, must arrange to do so through the school office and not independently by mobile phone. This ensures that correct procedures for leaving school before the ending of classes for that day are observed. Responsibility cannot be taken by the school authorities for students who arrange independently to go home without following proper procedure. Any such arrangement is a breach of the Code of Behaviour for Students.
Where a student brings a mobile phone/digital device to school, the phone may only be used during class with permission from the teacher, who may wish students to use the device for educational purposes.
Students participating in school related activities (e.g. Study, Extra- Curricular Activities, School Trips, and Tours etc.) must abide by the rules governing mobile devices.
No photographs can be taken or recordings made while on school premises and during school related activities unless permission is given by a teacher. Using mobile phones/digital devices in such a way without permission can seriously infringe on people’s rights and is a serious breach of the school’s Code of Behaviour.
Assignments such as homework, revision or research projects may require the use of a mobile device. The school’s guidelines with regards to the use of mobile devices for homework etc. is included in the following document which is shared with all members of the school community.
Roles and Responsibilities
Principal/Deputy Principal/Year Head/Class Tutor/Class Teacher
- Monitor implementation of policy
- Implement sanctions in cases of breach of policy
- Review Policy
Support school policy on mobile phones/digital devices.
Comply with rules on mobile phones/digital devices.
This policy is subject to review in May 2020
This policy was ratified by the Board of Management on JUne 12th 2019