Our School’s Curriculum

- English
- Irish
- Maths
- Science
- French
- German
- Geography
- History
- Art, Craft & Design
- Music
- Business Studies
- Materials Technology Wood
- Technology
- Technical Graphics
- Religious Education
- Physical Education
- Civic, Social, Political Education
- ICT and Coding
- Social, Personal and Health Education

- Gaeilge
- English
- Mathematics
- History
- Geography
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Music
- Design and Communication Graphics
- Art
- Economics
- Accounting
- French
- German
- Lithuanian
- Applied Mathematics
- Religion
- Construction Studies
- Technology
- Computer Science
- Leaving Cert P.E.
- Agricultural Science
- Career Guidance
- Leaving Cert Vocational Programme
- Leaving Cert Applied
The Transition year Programme in St. Macartan’s College is a one year programme bridging the gap between the Junior Cycle and 5th Year. In addition to year long subject sampling of Leaving Cert option subjects, students will study new subject areas as modules. Currently they can choose from 22 modules including:
GAA Future Leaders, Foróige’s Leadership for Life, Biodiversity in association with Trinity College, Robotics, Diet and Lifestyle, Psychology, Positive Mental Health, Photography and Enterprise to name but a few.
TY also allows students to learn experientially outside the classroom through various projects, work experience opportunities, University TY courses and links to the community. Our TY students visit residents in local nursing homes and teach computers to older learners in association with Age Action Ireland, coach GAA skills in local primary schools and take a TY trip to European destinations. Two major elements in every Transition Year at St. Macartan’s College is our annual musical and European trip.

If you would like to read about our Leaving Certificate Applied Programme, please click on this link